What are common mistakes in design?

I was passing by the road, and I saw many billboards advertising different products. My eyes were stuck on one, it was about the sale of a product, vibrant colors, clear message, less text, and graphics, it completely grabbed my attention, whereas seeing the very next billboard, and I was like meh. I found it busy yet blend. It was pretty tough for me to unclutter.
A good design should be eye-catching and appealing. If it is designed well, it will make the product useful and last longer. However, having flaws like color issues or errors of any kind, it’s a big turn-off. To keep your audience close, be cautious while designing.
Now, here are a few mistakes I want to highlight that people do to make things vibrant and end up messing with them.
1. Bad use of color and contrast
As a designer, one must know color psychology and how it works. You not only have to design but playing with colors also comes under your umbrella. Every color has different meanings and different feelings. The right use of color palette, can bring life to the design and can make it more aesthetics and pleasant.
2. Hierarchy rules
If all the text is written in the same font, same color, same design, same texture, same hues, how on earth can anyone tell about the important part, or what message to grasp? In the realm of designing, hierarchy plays a vital role. It is about placing the visual elements like font or color as per their importance. It aids in communicating the message flawlessly.
3. Not understanding the brief
Was given a brief by the client, but was unable to understand can land you on some big problems. Knowing the importance of a brief, a designer must keep the requirements of the client on top. Rather than assuming or thinking about what he sees best or correct.
4. Not proofreading
There are many times I noticed spelling or grammatical errors in a design and I always wondered, why don’t they check when they write? No one noticed even before printing? How can this be approved?
If I can think, anyone can. And it’s a major mistake if you are avoiding proofreading. So make sure to check for any errors before finalizing.
5. Not taking advantage of white spacing
The usage of white space comes under the fundamental principles of design. It not only gives your design a special touch but also makes it breathable. It helps to bring focus, makes your design look sophisticated, and helps to balance the elements. Plus, it looks professional.
6. Using outdated effects
With every rising sun, there is a change around us. And we all know how fast everything is going digital, there are always new things or trends around the corner. Following the old and outdated fonts, designs or typography will only make you lose the engagement of the audience. Keep yourself updated with new trends and designs as it will make your design innovative and charming.
7. Poor kerning
Kerning is the space between letters. And not focusing on it will only ruin your design. It would make your design unorganized and messy and it will also leave a very bad impression of yours on your audience. Make sure you have spaced your letters in a way that looks neat, readable, and organized.
Long story short
There is no shame in making mistakes, you are allowed to make mistakes, but fix them, learn new things and one must not forget to strive for perfection.